
Did you know that you can be drinking the "right" amount of water and still be dehydrated? If you abide by the common but incorrect belief that clear urine=proper hydration, keep reading!

Simply drinking water does not necessarily mean that the water is getting inside of your cells to flush out toxins and hydrate you. To be sufficiently hydrated, you need to get water inside of your cells to be absorbed instead of chugging a glass of water that goes right through you.

Our cells communicate with each other by electric currents. When we drink filtered tap water which most often lacks the necessary balance of minerals (electrolytes), we are not hydrating our cells or facilitating this electric communication between our cells. In order to pull water into our cells, we need to increase the electrical charge of the water.

How can you do this? My favorite way is to add a pinch of Himalayan salt or sea salt to a glass of water plus a splash of coconut water. Most electrolyte drinks contain WAY too much sugar or artificial sweeteners, so best to skip those.

Another tip: Reduce your exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) as much as possible as they contribute to cellular dehydration. Turning Wifi off at night, using speaker phone when possible, keeping electronics out of the bedroom while you're sleeping, and spending as much time outdoors as possible are all ways to reduce your exposure.

Here’s to proper hydration!


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