Spring medicine

Spring is a time of beautiful abundance with blossoming flowers, new beginnings, and relief from the coldness and darkness of winter. Spring carries an upward movement of energy as we move towards the start of summer, and it is a time to plant seeds, both physically and metaphorically. I have created a spring collection of herbal medicines to enhance vitality and balance in body, mind, and spirit during this transitional time of year.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, spring is associated with the liver. After the stagnancy of winter, the liver cleanses the body of built up toxins and sluggishness. It often needs support in doing this. And so does the lymphatic system, another crucial player in our detoxification system. I created this herbal tincture formula with dandelion root, calendula, and red clover in organic alcohol to gently support and strengthen the liver and lymph. It is best taken two or three times a day for a few weeks in the spring.

Flower essences contain the vibrational signature of a flower and work on the subtle energy body to shift a person back into alignment with their Divine self. My belief is that each flower knows how to support the person taking the essence in a unique way, and therefore each person is going to experience a flower essence differently. That said, there are signatures that each flower holds, and I will share my interpretation and experience of the signatures of the three flower essences I’m offering here. Each can be taken 3 drops at a time as often as needed. 

Daffodil Flower Essence: Created on April 29th, 2020. Daffodil helps you to shine your light and radiate it out into the world. She illuminates areas of darkness and assists you in facing the dark while still remembering the spark of light that is always inside of you. Daffodil is like a flashlight in the dark. She encourages you to explore the depths of your being, all polarities within you, while being guided by the light. Call on this essence when you are needing a reminder of your own divine light. 

Wild Violet Flower Essence: Created on April 24, 2021. Wild violet connects the heart and 3rd eye through the throat. She supports one to speak the truth of what they feel, see, and know. Wild Violet gently allows the heart to stay open during times of grief and despair, especially after the loss of a loved one. Wild Violet enhances intuition and clear seeing, and can help us to connect with deceased loved ones in order to move on from prolonged grief.

Dandelion Flower Essence: Created on Beltane (May 1st), 2022. Dandelion supports us in letting go and releasing the old to allow in the new. She increases comfort in constant change. Dandelion is a celestial plant: the blossoming flowers look like the sun, the seed heads like the moon, and the seeds blowing in the wind like the stars. She encourages us to flow with the cycles of life, and to not fear change. Dandelion flower supports transitions. 

Seasonal allergies got you feeling tired, congested, and fed up? This Allergy Ease Tea lowers histamine levels in the body, dries up a drippy nose, and soothes a scratchy throat. 

Lastly, my White Pine Salve smells like the forest. If your hands get as dry and scratched up as mine do after clearing and weeding your spring garden, this salve will soothe, repair, and bring back moisture to your skin. 2oz in organic olive oil and beeswax.

If you’d like to purchase any individual items in the collection, or the whole collection for a discounted price, email me at allie@alliearmstrongwellness.com.

Liver & Lymph Love Tincture: $13 for 1oz. In organic alcohol.

Each flower essence (Daffodil, Wild Violet, Dandelion): $13, or $34 for all three.

Allergy Ease Tea: Contains nettle, anise hyssop, mullein, yarrow. Steep covered for 10 minutes. $12/bag.

White Pine Salve: 2oz in organic olive oil and beeswax. $13/tin.

If you’d like the entire collection, I’m offering it for $67 ($10 off!)

Local pickup in Pownal, ME, or shipping available.

Spring blessings to each of you! 🌷🌼


immunity broth


Autumn equinox